November 19, 2013

Homemade Sweetened Whipped Cream

Yesterday, I deemed this week "Pumpkin Pie Week" with the goal of sharing all kinds of pumpkin pie tips from the crust to the cream and everything in between!  So naturally following yesterday's Cream Cheese Pumpkin Pie is whipped cream - easily my favorite part of pumpkin pie! I adore the way the lightly sweetened cream tempers those warm Fall spices. Yum yum yummmmm.

We've all seen photo after photo of pumpkin pie with a lovely little 'dollop' of whipped cream right in the middle of the pie. The dollop is always amazingly smooth and has the perfect tip that so delicately curls back over in a soft peak like it belongs in a fairy tale about, well, pumpkin pie.  But that's not how we do it roun' here. The size of our sweet whipped cream serving rivals the size of the pie piece. And we serve it blob-style. Now if you have store-bought whipped cream, you may not want all that much of it with your pie; but if you've ever made your own, you'll understand why we spoon out mammoth portions of it with pumpkin pie, chocolate pie, strawberry shortcake and more. It's that good. 

As a matter of fact, this picture is so awful that it bothers the heck out of me, but I really just wanted to hurry and eat it. So photo quality suffered. 

Homemade sweet whipped cream requires zero skill, just know-how. And not even very much of's how ya do it!


1 cup cold heavy cream
1/2 tsp good vanilla
1/4 cup powdered sugar

In the chilled bowl of your stand mixer fitted with a chilled whisk attachment (or in a chilled mixing bowl using a hand mixer), beat the cream on medium-high for 1 minute. With the mixer on low, add the powdered sugar and the vanilla then return to medium-high speed, beating until the cream thickens and soft peaks form. You may serve immediately beside a slice of pumpkin pie. You may spread it across the top of a chocolate pie. Or you may store it uncovered in the refrigerator. If the whipped cream separates in the refrigerator, you may re-beat to combine. Yes, I said re-beat. I don't know what else to call it.