January 28, 2014

easy homemade chicken noodle soup

I don't know about your family, but mine is under the weather. Three for three came home from school yesterday. How 'bout that?! Thank Heavens it's nothing serious. We're not virus or flu-stricken. We don't have a germy  "sick house"...but all three of my babies have colds and strange Winter allergies that have gone awry. So a few booty shots and lots of liquids and we're working to mend. Having shared our situation on social media yesterday, I heard that lots of y'all are suffering from much of the same. Boo on being sick. 

So having weaklings and temperatures in the teens, I naturally made soup. It's what I do. And not just any soup, but good old fashioned chicken noodle soup. Our mothers and grandmothers have appropriately and lovingly served it to us for generations, and they were on to something. Studies show that chicken noodle soup really does have health benefits in kicking colds and respiratory illness. So that's what I made for my family last night. Delicious and warm, and it just hits the spot.

Now ideally, I would've had pulled chicken in the refrigerator from this recipe here. But with sick kids and running to pick everyone up and going to appointments, I didn't. So my Honey grabbed a deli rotisserie chicken on the way home.  I did, however, have several jars of homemade chicken stock in the freezer from that same recipe that I thawed and used. It was SO nice to have stock on hand ready to go, y'all! If you haven't started making your own stock, please try it. You'll love how it deepens the flavor of your soups, stews, and sauces. And you'll have an enormous sense of pride. Silly but true. 

So here's the recipe since so many of you responded to the instagram picture of it last night! {Follow my personal instagram and the Euna Mae's instagram - see the sidebar links!} It's such an easy homemade chicken noodle soup recipe that is quick to make and has that unexplainable comforting flavor. Warmth in every bite. AND this soup recipe is one that you makes a perfect Sharing Batch! Ladle it into big wide-mouth jars and refrigerate it for 3-4 days and share it when you get the chance!
{feeds 7-8 people, depending on your people}

8 cups of homemade chicken stock, store-bought if you must
1 lb homestyle extra wide noodles like Essenhaus
Meat from one whole chicken, boiled at home or deli rotisserie, pulled into pieces
5-6 carrots, sliced
2 ribs of celery, sliced {leave it out if you don't have it}
2 Tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped OR 1 Tablespoon dried rosemary
1/2 stick of butter
3 Tablespoons flour
3 Tablespoons milk
salt/pepper to taste

Bring the stock to boil in a large heavy pot. I make mine in a 6qt. enamelled cast iron french oven. Add the sliced carrots and celery and allow to boil until tender. Add the noodles and boil about 15 minutes or according to the pasta's package directions. Reduce heat to a simmer and add pulled chicken and rosemary. I don't always use all of the chicken that I've pulled. Store the unused chicken for another dish! Taste the stock and add salt and pepper to taste. I always add quite a bit of salt and pepper. And it never seems to be enough! Taste as you go. Add a little water if it looks like you need more liquid. Be sure to season the soup if you add more water.

In a glass measuring cup or bowl, melt the butter in the microwave and whisk in the milk. Then whisk in the flour to make a slurry. Slowly pour the slurry into the soup stirring constantly to incorporate. This slurry thickens the soup liquid and deepens the flavor. So good. Allow to simmer for a few minutes, stirring and tasting til it's just right!