November 02, 2017

Dear Daughters podcast with Susie Davis

Y'all. I had the biggest treat getting to talk to my friend Susie Davis on her Dear Daughters podcast! Susie is a ministry machine who loves to encourage women, who invites people into her home, who loves her husband and kiddos, and whose laugh is contagious! It was a delight to visit with her on her podcast today! Y'all, it's 85% laughing, with some good girl talked mixed in about hospitality and pie and focusing our hearts on the right things! Hmmmm, sounds like Love Welcome Serve, doesn't it?! 

Join us and listen in as Susie and I chat away about the heart of my new cookbook and what it looks like to use our homes and kitchens to impact the lives of those around us. Susie Davis, the treat was mine! Can't wait to eat cake with you at your table in Austin!  LISTEN HERE