December 11, 2013

Full hearts and full bellies...a recipe for families

Well. Here we are. Snow Day Number Arkansas. 

Before Christmas. 

Technically speaking, since there was a weekend sandwiched in the middle, it's officially the fifth day out of school, but the seventh day that we're all together in the house. 

We've easily had 40 teenagers come and go at our house. I have cooked up a storm, dried a gazillion loads of snow gear, and have run the vacuum cleaner at least once a day to keep up with down feathers, grass, and Chex Mix on the floor. It has been a ball - and exhausting - but mostly a ball. I love this season of life with my teenage kiddos and their friends.  Before our babies could walk, we started praying the Lord would build up a circle of friends for our teenage children who would love Jesus and walk in truth and have fun while they're doing it. And we have seen God answer those prayers in such a way that it overwhelms my heart with gratitude right this second. Of course, I didn't know they would eat this much. But it comes with the territory, I guess! 

There are five, 15-year-old boys asleep on the playroom floor while I type this - and two pounds of ground beef thawing on the counter for lunch.

While I have recipes for all kinds of yummy snow-day food, the recipe that is most on my heart today is this: pray for your babies. 

Pray for your kids. 
Pray for your kids' parents. (That's you.)
Pray for your kids' friends.
Pray for your kids' friends' families.
Pray for their choices, their purity, their confidence, their humility, their joy, their peace, their compassion.
Pray they lead others with boldness.
Pray they serve others with kindness.
Pray the Lord surrounds them with friendships that point them to Truth.
And pray they have such a big time living life that the world can't help but watch...and see Jesus.

Now that's an heirloom-quality recipe that will feed generations.